Author: Ana Demeny

Some very cool people have created the first note taking app for dyslexia!

A few weeks ago, I went to a Chinese restaurant. After eating way too much good food, as one does in China Town, we all got a fortune cookie. This was mine!

Now, I’m not a big fortune cookie believer, but this message goes so well with my interests and direction, that I just couldn’t help but feel validated.

Recently, I’ve seen it with my own eyes how an opportunity to learn something can change lives. In my opinion everyone should have a path to education. is an app that gives this opportunity to people with dyslexia.

I am sure I know many people with this condition, but I only became aware of it when I moved to the UK. It seems to me that this country really is making an effort to treat everyone fairly and to help those in need, by creating programmes and finding innovative ways to get everyone involved in the learning process. helps with that by taking real life classroom notes, colour coding them and making them easier to follow. The application uses voice recognition to select keywords. These keywords can then be stored and categorised on colourful sticky notes.

Just the other day, I had a conversation with someone who worked in education for 20 years. They told me that dyslexia is a real issue and a reality for many more people than we might think. Individuals who were never able to read out loud, take notes or write an essay, are not necessarily poorly prepared, and should not feel like they are falling behind.

One of the creators of this app is my little brother. He’s not a great out loud reader himself, but everyone who gets to know me is soon acquainted with the fact that I am annoyingly proud of my brother. He’s smart, self-starter, self-learner, hard worker and open minded. Open to feedback and suggestions.

This being said, please have a look at the app, you'll find that it's the most popular one on kickstarter. On there you'll find more details about this brilliant idea.

Do you know people with dyslexia? Do you have any ideas on how can this app be improved? Share the app and email me any suggestions.

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Education is your passport to future!